

2021-09-01 13. Gunma Opera Academy, Noura-Juku Autumn Camp in Gunma, Japan September 1〜5

  • Like in agricultural life, the autumn season is a time for harvesting for Noura Juku.
  • With what we have learned in masterclass and spring academy, it is now time for a public performance called “» Opera Highlight” at the end of the autumn season.
  • The cast is carefully selected from » auditions and international fresh voices.
  • Each year, together with the music director, the general director chooses suitable arias and ensembles scenes and provides dialogues, making perfect stories for an opera performance.
  • The autumn academy is not only for singers, but it is a great chance to learn and experience for conductors, instrumentalists, dancers, and stage directors. Singers who are interested in joining the autumn academy, please apply for an audition either in Tokyo or Vienna in February. The audition notice will be given out on NEWS at the end or beginning of each year. Non-singers who are interested in joining us for the autumn academy, please contact our office anytime. *The tuition fee of the autumn academy is free of charge. noura.juku@gmail.com

2021-06-28 Konzertabend Sologesang mit Studierenden von Akiko Nakajima

Konzertabend Sologesang

mit Studierenden von Akiko Nakajima


Fakultät Darstellende Kunst- Gesang und Oper

(Studiengangsleitung: Yuly Khomenko)


Mo, 28. Juni 2021

16.30 Uhr

* externer Einlass nicht möglich, die Videoaufzeichnung wird kurz nach dem Konzert veröffentlicht.


Musik und Kunst

Privatuniversität der Stadt Wien


Johannesgasse 4a, 1010 Wien

2021-02-10 Noura Opera Foundation Spring Camp - Audition Masterclass in Vienna (22.02.2021)

Akiko Nakajima Masterclass 2021 in Vienna is designed for young singers and accompanists/korrepetitors to experience audition/competition situations, so to help you prepare for your important occasions coming up in your future.

You will be performing in front of a professional panel of jury,and you will be given opinions and advices

as well as possible opportunities to be invited for jobs.

place & time schedule

Bösendorfer Salon Bösendorferstrasse 12, Musikverein 1010 Wien Austria


Akiko Nakajima (soprano / Uni.-Professor @ MUK)

KS Linda Watson (dramatic soprano / Uni.-Professor @ MUK )

Yasushi Hirano (bass-baritone / Volksoper Wien)

・Christian Koch (pianist / Uni.-Professor @MUK)

【singers: audition pieces】Please prepare 3 pieces of music with at least 2 languages in original language. ※Please bring copies of the scores for the official pianist!

● an aria from baroque to Mozart period

● an operetta aria or a German lied

● own choice

【accompanists】The official pianist, Prof. Koch will be there, but you may bring your own accompanist. If so, please notify the office in advance. Pianists who apply for the masterclass will be given scores (maximum of 3 pieces) to be played 2 days prior to the audition.

【costs】audition and lecture €20

audition €15

【method of payment】

At the entrance on the day of the masterclass.

【application dead line】 16.2.2021

【method of application】

In the website of Noura Opera Foundation » www.nourajuku.com, open Application. Upload your profile photo and send your application by

following the instructions. If any inquiries, please write to the secretary per email at » noura.juku@gmail.com .

2021-02-07 Genhouin presents no.1. cultural chat

no.1. cultural chat "artistic threads" @Genhouin

[Date and time]

February 7, 2021 (Sun)

Door opens at 15:00 / Start at 15:30

[Cast] Guest: Akiko Nakajima

Guide: Seiji Semenov

Sakyo-ku Okazakihoshojicho 77 606-8333 - Kyoto



Nora Kura Musik- ein neuer Youtube Channel jeden Dienstag um 13 Uhr 2020-12-20

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